Why is India still a developing country?

INDIA  is country in south Asia. The Republic of India has some principal short names in official hindi and english usage, each of which is historically significant,"India,Hind,Hindustan and Bharat or Bharatvarsh. The culture of India refers collectively to the thousands of distinct and unique cultures of all religions and communities present in India. India's languages,religions,dance,music,architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country.India is one of the best counrty in the world but still it is known as developing country. Now question arise why ?
There are many factors by which India is still a developing country.

India has the 2nd largest population in the world which consists of  17.7% population of the world.Around 135.26 crores of people live here.Due to high most populous nation in the world,All citizens can not fulfill their wants because of the limit resources.

Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living.According to the Census 2011,In India 21.9% of population lives below the national poverty line.There are several causes of poverty in India like Population Explosion, Low Agricultural Productivity, Inefficient Resources utilisation, Low Rate of economic development, price rise, Unemployment,lack of capital  and entrepreneurship, social factors,colonial exploitation and climatic factors. 

In India,There is one doctor for every 1445 Indians as per the country's current population estimate of 135 crore, which is lower than the WHO's prescribed norm of one doctor for 1000 people.Due to lack of health facilities many people died every year. According to world health organisation India has ranked 141th out of 190th countries.

According to the  survey India has expended only 3% of GDP on education in 2019.India has ranked 149th out of 197th counties on the basis of spending on education.  Because of low education quality many rural Indians are still illiterate and now a days school and college are the biggest platform of business only. 

Good education with adequate vocational training and opportunities to learn new skills is what can provide the youth of any nation to become well-equipped and rights skilled workers. Education along with training for developing skills and emphasis on employability will strengthen the youth to take up the right career paths.Lacking of skills also increase in the rate of unemployment.

According to Corruption Perception Index.India has 41 score which perceived as more corrupt.
Corruption is an issue which affects the economy of central,state and local government agencies in many ways.Not only has it held the economy back from reaching new heights,but rampant corruption has stunted the country's development. 

India's unemployment rate is 27.1%, according to the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy(CMIE).
In 2019,The estimated youth unemployment rate in India was at 10.51 percent.According to the source,the data are ILO estimates.The major cause of unemployment and underemployment in underdeveloped countries like India is the deficiency of the stock of capital in relation to the needs of the growing labour force.
           Striking for unemployment 

Crime rate is calculated by dividing the number of reported crimes by the total population and then result is multiplied by 100000.  India reported high crime rate every year. High crime rates are seen in India because of high poverty levels and low job availability.And most violent crimes, being committed by the ages 20-30 years old.In India most crimes reported against women like Rape,which is mostly happened.Then,Dowries which considered a major contributor towards violence against women in India. Domestic violence in India is endemic.Around 70% of women in India are victims of domestic violence. Through this we can understand about the  Gender Inequality of India. 

India's current Economic growth (as the world's fastest-growing major economy as of 2015) has improved its standing on the world's political stage,even through it is still a developing country,but one that is showing strong development.India has just a decade to become a developed country.

Hope for the Best 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


  1. Best ever theory of developing India......... which shows all those loopholes. And this all are the Tumor which lad our country down nd down.
    Thnx buddy to light on this Spot.

    1. Thanks bro for ur support 😊😊😊

  2. Wow man......you display the real truth of India which is dark too. But truly speaking we all are behind of this lacking. If we do good then our beautiful country will do good.

  3. Most important thing right now is focus on getting better...to reduce corruption and enhance education quality and health system... Facing this with so much courage and hope.. and I hope you are surrounded by people who are good for your spirit...& Identify people's emotional states and think about our developing country...and lastly I thanks Mr Harshit to aware... and screeing the truth of our country.......


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